The Silverleaf Nighshade (SLN) team recently invited growers and advisors to complete an online survey to provide us with key information on how to combat this persistent weed. Farmers and advisors who were additionally willing to conduct/ promote an on-farm demonstration for SLN control automatically went into a draw to win one of four iPads on offer.
Congratulations to the very happy winners of this competition:
David Barber - Farmer - Griffith, NSW
Lochie Rowling - Farmer - Ungarie, NSW
Chris Minehan - Advisor - Rural Management Strategies - Wagga, NSW
Helen Duncan - Advisor - Elders - Narrogin, WA
From L to R: Bob Thompson, Karen Jamieson (both from Murrumbidgee Landcare), Chris Minehan (Advisor), Lochie Rowling (Farmer) & Hanwen Wu (NSW DPI - SLN Project Manager)
Claudia Hadlow (left) from Dumbleyung Landcare presents the winning iPad to Elders Advisor Helen Duncan
Griffith farmer David Barber collects his iPad
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