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Silverleaf nightshade key messages & advice

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The Silverleaft Nightshade Team have spoken to hundreds of farmers and advisors thoughtout the past two years collating their tips and tricks learnt from tacking with this persistent weed.  Over the next few weeks I'll be posting 5 consistent key messages and advice:


1.   Perennial weeds need attention every year (to prevent seed set and control rootbank)

2.   Farm hygiene is important so that seeds and roots are not transferred from paddock to   paddock or to neighbouring properties

3.   Dual action control methods are required: single action is not enough for the entire season

4.   Timing the control measures is important for seedbank and root control

5.   The level of infestation will dictate the most suitable control option and crop rotations - refer to the Best Management Practice guide for silverleaf nightshade:


This week's nightmare photo comes from a Dubbo farmer in NSW who sees this pesky weed growing in and around his hay bales.  Incredible and demonstrates why careful management and peristent control measures are needed!

If you have a great silverleaf nighshade picture, I'd love to see it!   (email:

Silverleaf nightshade growing in and around hale bales

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