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Interesting silverleaf nightshade articles and nutritional information

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Attached in PDF format below are three recently added SLN documents for your general information and interest. 

The first attachment is a laboratory summary of SLN nutritional feed quality conducted in Wagga Wagga,  based on field samples taken from a working farm in the Riverina region, NSW.

The second article originates from Mexico and investigates the replacement value of SLN for alfalfa offered to growing goats.

The final PDF is a SLN final report conducted in 1982 by V.Molnar from the former Keith Turnbull Research Institute, based on field trials in the Victorian Mallee conducted between 1974-1980. This report presented many long-term field trials on herbicides, a combination of slashing and cultivation with herbicides and feeding trials to evaluate to the potential silverleaf nightshade toxicity to sheep

Happy Reading!

The SLN Team




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