Beginning next week, we will post individual case studies containing key messages and information on how each farmer successfully manages silverleaf nightshade specific to their production system. Stay tuned!
Congratulations to Dr Hanwen Wu, Rex Stanton and Diedre Lemerle on their informative Silverleaf Nightshade article, just published in this months edition of Crop Protection (2016), pp. 58-64.
The paper describes results to field experiments conducted at two locations in south-eastern Australia between 2006 and 2008 to examine a range of herbicides for control of S. elaeagnifolium on seed production and root regrowth.
Their research findings have formed the basis of many of the key messages currently promoted to farmers in Australia, such as :
published by Karen Herbert on 13 May 2016 - 2:19pm
The Silverleaf Nightshade Team have spoken to hundreds of farmers and advisors thoughtout the past two years collating their tips and tricks learnt from tacking with this persistent weed.
Here are this week's tips and tricks:
1. The ‘dual action’ approach still has some issues with the re-emergence. Farmers estimate about 90% effectiveness with the second application in preventing re-emergence
The Silverleaft Nightshade Team have spoken to hundreds of farmers and advisors thoughtout the past two years collating their tips and tricks learnt from tacking with this persistent weed. Over the next few weeks I'll be posting 5 consistent key messages and advice:
1. Perennial weeds need attention every year (to prevent seed set and control rootbank)
2. Farm hygiene is important so that seeds and roots are not transferred from paddock to paddock or to neighbouring properties
World Environment Day (WED) is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment. Over the years it has grown to be a broad, global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated by stakeholders in over 100 countries. It also serves as the ‘people’s day’ for doing something positive for the environment, galvanizing individual actions into a collective power that generates an exponential positive impact on the planet.
published by Karen Herbert on 22 December 2015 - 1:13pm
On Nov 11, 2015, an interactive field day and discussion group was held at 'Oak Hill', near Culcairn, in the NSW south-east Riverina, to dissiminate the latest research and management options to farmers for Silverleaf Nightshade control. This workshop was organised by Raylene Brown from Holbrook Landcare Network (HLN), in conjunction with Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc. (MLi).
Hanwen Wu from NSW DPI along with Phil Bowden and Karen Herbert from MLi andcare spoke and demonstrated the Weed seeker technology which has been estimated by growers to save 70% on the cost of herbicides.
published by Karen Herbert on 1 September 2015 - 5:01pm
The Silverleaf Nighshade (SLN) team recently invited growers and advisors to complete an online survey to provide us with key information on how to combat this persistent weed. Farmers and advisors who were additionally willing to conduct/ promote an on-farm demonstration for SLN control automatically went into a draw to win one of four iPads on offer.
Congratulations to the very happy winners of this competition:
A guide by EH Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation.
Silverleaf nightshade is a deep rooted, summer active perennial closely related to horticultural crops such as tomatoes and eggplants, making biological control problematic. The extensive root system, up to several metres in width and depth, poses a large problem for control.
published by Karen Herbert on 16 April 2015 - 2:37pm
Please help us complete a simple online survey
Please help the Silverleaf nightshade project team by completing a simple online survey that will provide us with key information on how to combat this persistent weed by obtaining individual baseline data and better understanding of your experiences with Silverleaf nightshade.
The survey will take just a few minutes to complete.