The long awaited refined silverleaf nightshade best managment strategies guide is now available. Please click on the link below to read the full PDF document.
This project gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Meat & Livestock Australia and Australian Wool Innovation, and collaborating institutions and farmers across states.
Silverleaf nightshade key messages & advice - Part 3
The Silverleaf Nightshade Team have spoken to hundreds of farmers and advisors thoughtout the past two years collating their tips and tricks learnt from tackling with this persistent weed.
Here are this week's tips and tricks:
1. Don’t underestimate the effect of seedling spread: seed will germinate if the soil moisture is good for more than 5 days. Seeds are time bombs.
2. Small green berries still contain viable seeds – be warned!
Congratulations to Dr Hanwen Wu, Rex Stanton and Diedre Lemerle on their informative Silverleaf Nightshade article, just published in this months edition of Crop Protection (2016), pp. 58-64.
The paper describes results to field experiments conducted at two locations in south-eastern Australia between 2006 and 2008 to examine a range of herbicides for control of S. elaeagnifolium on seed production and root regrowth.
Their research findings have formed the basis of many of the key messages currently promoted to farmers in Australia, such as :